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Global Macadamia Production Increases as Exports to China Soar

April 25, 2024

Industry data recently released by the World Macadamia Organisation indicate a substantial increase in global production in 2024, with the output of all of the top macadamia-producing countries forecast to grow by more than 10%. Despite declines in Australia, Kenya and Guatemala, the overall global production of macadamia nuts increased from 298,914 metric tons in 2022 to 319,306 metric tons in 2023.

In spite of a decrease in China’s domestic macadamia nut production from 62,500 metric tons in 2022 to 56,000 metric tons in 2023, the country’s imports of macadamia nuts, particularly from Kenya, have experienced rapid growth. Data from Chinese customs authorities illustrate this trend. In 2021, China imported approximately 100 metric tons of macadamia kernels from Kenya, valued at 1.65 million Chinese yuan ($228,000), along with 248 metric tons of in-shell macadamia nuts worth 17.45 million yuan ($2.41 million). In 2022, these imports surged to 949 metric tons of macadamia kernels and 609 metric tons of in-shell macadamia nuts, worth a total of 73.74 million yuan ($10.2 million). By 2023, China’s total annual imports of Kenyan macadamia nuts had increased approximately 20-fold, from less than 400 metric tons to 7,595 metric tons.

According to statistics provided by Kenya’s Nuts and Oil Crops Directorate, the country’s macadamia crop is grown on approximately 18,000 hectares in the mineral-rich plateau regions. The main planting areas include Kiambu, Muran’ga, Meru, Nyeri, Kirinyaga and Embu counties. As the world’s third-largest macadamia exporter after Australia and South Africa, Kenya has shown remarkable export growth in recent years. Kenya exports over 93% of its total macadamia output overseas, with the main export destinations including the United States, Germany, the Netherlands and China (including Hong Kong).

According to the World Macadamia Organisation, Kenya’s macadamia production in 2023 decreased by 3.1% from the previous year, for a total of 41,150 metric tons. However, with plentiful rainfall throughout the growing season in the Central Highlands, the report forecasts a 12.0% increase in macadamia production in 2024, along with a significant improvement in quality.

Image: Pixabay

This article was based on a Chinese article. Read the original article.


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