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Back to topOrigine Group Exclusive Italian Partner of The Pear “Fred®”

FRED® is the commercial name of pear variety “CH 201” bred after 18 years of work by the researchers of the Swiss Research Centre Agroscope. “FRED® has an attractive blush skin and handy size. The texture is firm, but crispy and juicy. Aromatic and sweet, backed-up by a light acidity in combination with an exceptional shelf-life, gives the consumer a fantastic eating experience – states Michael Weber, Managing Director of VariCom – Moreover, the tree shows a low susceptibility to Erwinia and has high yield. The cultivation of FRED® has been tested in several areas, and fruits will shortly be available for real-scale commercial tests.”
“Origine Group decided to invest in this pear – says the Managing Director Alessandro Zampagna – for its organoleptic and aesthetic characteristics, but also for its shelf-life and high yields. Therefore, FRED® is an interesting pear for all involved in the production and commercial chain, and we think that the pear sector needs new varieties with these characteristics. With VariCom and the French nursery Dalival, that will supply the plants, there has been an immediate understanding, and we trust this cooperation will bring very good results.”
“We are convinced that Origine Group, thanks to its production base and its strategy, represents the right partner in Italy, where it will be the exclusive producer of variety ‘CH 201’ and marketer of the brand FRED®. – continues Michael Weber – Italy is the first producing country of pears in Europe, so it will be crucial for the success of FRED®.”
“We hope to show some FRED® pears at Origine Group stand in Futurpera, the specialized exposition that will be held in Ferrara from 28 to 30 November” - concludes Alessandro Zampagna.
Origine Group / Facts
The consortium Origine Group was founded in 2015 by several companies, leaders in the international markets in the production and trading of fresh fruit and vegetables. The consortium – established by Afe, Apofruit, Fruit C2, Gran Frutta Zani, Kiwi Uno, Op Kiwi Sole, Pempa-Corer, Salvi-Unacoa, Spreafico, Minguzzi and the Chilean groups David Del Curto and Copefrut - represents companies already firmly present on the domestic and international markets, with a total turnover of over 1,200 million dollars, which have joined their resources to provide a top-quality product, working together on innovation and new varieties to look out into new emerging markets.