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MACFRUT 2016, Increasingly International

April 04, 2016

Macfrut increasingly confirms its role as an international showcase for the fruit and vegetable sector. This year’s edition will feature seven pavilions (one more than last year), which, from 14 to 16 September 2016, will welcome exhibitors and visitors from all over the world at Rimini Fiera.

Six months before the 2016 edition, the current situation proves that Macfrut's renewed formula is already a success: as of today, 71% of the available spaces have been sold (more than 80% if we also consider the areas to be confirmed by foreign or institutional exhibitors), amounting to 38,500 square metres gross in seven pavilions (5 dedicated to post-harvest and 2 to pre-harvest), with a great number of new exhibitors.

Macfrut's attention is now on emerging producer countries and new consumer markets, with three target areas: Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean basin and South America. Its aim is not only to showcase the dynamic aspects of the fruit and vegetable sector, which has a value of exports equal to that of the wine industry, but also to become a driving force for companies geared towards innovation and internationalisation.

In preparation for the 33rd edition, four international events are scheduled that will directly involve exhibitors: the first event in Mexico (which was held a few days ago), another one in Poland at the beginning of April and one in Peru in mid-April, whereas a major event, Mac Fruit Attraction, will take place at the beginning of May in Il Cairo in collaboration with Feria de Madrid. Moreover, approximately 10 presentations are to be held in other international settings.

At a meeting held at Cesena Fiera a few days ago, the Macfrut Committee reconfirmed its strong focus on internationalisation and came to a decision: the 2017 edition will be held in May (10-12 May) at Rimini Fiera. All participants at the meeting, about 50 Italian sector professionals representing the entire fruit and vegetable supply chain, agreed on this decision and pointed out its many strengths, first of all in terms of international appeal. By choosing the month of May, Macfrut places itself right in the middle of the year, better distancing itself from other international events in this sector. This is a crucial decision considering the fact that Cesena Fiera has been focusing on speeding up the internationalisation process, in fact the 2016 edition will be attended by about 1,000 buyers from all over the world from five continents.

“The decision to move Macfrut to May is the result of a process shared with sector professionals – Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut, explains – and it is an integral part of the re-launch initiative that began two years ago. In addition to confirming Macfrut's role as Italy's leading showcase for the fruit and vegetable sector, this also shows that we are carrying on in the direction of a supply chain trade fair, a distinctive feature that this sector has attributed to us at international level."

For further information, please contact:

Elena Vincenzi and Stefania Duminuco

Macfrut foreign press office c/o Fruitecom

Tel. no. 0039-059-7863894


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