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Fresh Fruits

2252 Articles
Logistics and tech in focus at Asia Fruit LogisticaHall Forums at Asia’s premier fresh produce trade show will offer workshops on logistics, technology and marketing. July 01, 2018
Produce Report
Bringing Jaguar's Dutch Conference Pears to ChinaJaguar is a major supplier of conference pears and was among the first Dutch fruit companies to be certified to export to China. July 01, 2018
Dan Siekman
INTERPOMA CHINA 2018 International Congress & Exhibition Rallies for the Modernization of Apple Cultivation in ChinaINTERPOMA CHINA 2018 International Congress & Exhibition unveiled on June 28, 2018 at Weihai International Exhibition & Conference Center in Shandong Province,  it is the second edition of show after its debut in China one year ago. With the  support from the parent Italian Interpoma Trade Show, this exhibition focuses on the  cultivation, storage, and market of the apple industry. “China and the apple in the world”, the international congress of Interpoma China, is also held concurrently which includes several keynote speeches and technical seminars—delivering professional and technical apple industry information and promoting the modernization of apple growing in China. In addition, tours to apple orchards are organized for attendees to witness the prosperous future of China’s apple industry first hand.   June 29, 2018
Sevan Golnazarian
Kissabel® Apples Harvested in Southern HemisphereSouthern Hemisphere IFORED partners: the new red-flesh varieties show great potential for the market. Commercial tests will start between 2019 and 2020 June 28, 2018
Produce Report
Super Species Debuts 15 min Drone Delivery in Guangzhou Yonghui Supermarket and Ehang launch an innovative aerial drone delivery service at the Super Species store in Guangzhou.   June 21, 2018
Sevan Golnazarian
INTERPOMA CHINA 2018 International Congress & Exhibition for the Cultivation, Storage and Marketing of applesThe international congress on the apple sector returns to China and will be held, as last year, during Interpoma China, from 28 to 29 June 2018, at the Weihai International Exhibition & Conference Center in the Shandong Province of China. On this occasion, Interpoma China Tours will be held on 29th and 30th June 2018, pointing out the future trends in China’s booming apple sector. June 21, 2018
Google to Invest $550 Million in JD.comGoogle has announced its plans to invest $550 million in the Chinese e-commerce company in a strategic partnership which would see Google gain a 1% stake in the company and make its product available on Google Shopping. June 20, 2018
Andrew D
Latest US-China Trade Tensions Will Impact US Produce TradeThe Chinese retaliatory tariff came in the form of a list of more than 500 US products that starting on July 6 will be subject to a 25% tariff on top of any existing tariffs. June 18, 2018
Dan Siekman

A US soybean farmer. Soy is the biggest target of the new tariffs, but some producers of fruit and nuts will also feel the pain.

Chinese E-commerce has Powered the Thai Durian Export Rapid Growth<p>In 2018, the export volume of durian in Thailand increased significantly, and the export volume to China increased by 700%. China's e-commerce platform is an important factor in boosting Thailand's durian exports.</p> June 12, 2018
Myanmar Avocados Aim to Enter China for Next SeasonProduce Report interviewed Myanmar Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable Producer and Exporter Association for a first-hand account of Myanmar’s avocado industry. June 12, 2018
Jing Zang


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