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227 Articles
The Chinese Apple Industry Analysis and Forecast of 2015The 2015 China Apple Annual Meeting was held last month in Sh October 11, 2015
First U.S. Gala Apples Arrive ShanghaiThis August, the first ever shipment of Gala Apples from Wash August 25, 2015
Produce Report
2014 China Fruit and Vegetable Export Trade Authority ParsingChina produced more than 260 million tons of fruit and more t August 12, 2015
Produce Report
A Fruitful First Year in China for Rockit ApplesRockit Apples are the world’s first miniature bred apple, packaged into convenient tubes and marketed as a premium snack food and a healthy alternative to sugar-based confectionery. July 22, 2015

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First Batch of Apples from China Heads for U.S.On June 2, 2015 the first shipment of apples produced in China, bound for the US, left the province of Shanxi Province June 03, 2015
Mr Apple Launches “Little Darling” in Selected Walmarts across ChinaBetween May 29th and June 2nd, Mr Apple held promotional acti June 01, 2015
First Shipment of South African Apples Arrived ChinaThe first container of South African(SA) apples arrived at Sh May 12, 2015
south african royal gala apples in china
