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Back to topChilean Earthquake Not Expected To Affect Coming Fruit Season

The Chilean fresh fruit industry is assessing the impact of yesterday’s earthquake on production areas in northern and central regions of the country.
At this point, it remains too early to deliver a full long-term analysis, but indications are that the industry has emerged with almost no damage.
Chile was impacted on Wednesday evening (September 17th) by an 8.4 magnitude earthquake and the epicenter was in front of the northern city of Illapel around 282 km from the capital, Santiago.
The Chilean Fruit Exporters Association (ASOEX) has reported that to date there have not been any reports of damage to either packing sheds, cold storage facilities or transportation links. Still to be confirmed is the state of infrastructure of the northern port of Coquimbo.
Ronald Bown, Chairman of the Board of ASOEX, said: “There does not seem to be any impact on the fruit industry and the coming cherry and blueberry season should begin without any major interruption. Chile is well prepared for these types of seismic events and growers and exporters will continue to make every effort to meet previously established shipping goals. At the same time, as an industry, we would like to send our deepest condolences to the families of those compatriots who have lost their lives in this earthquake."
Image Source: USGS
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