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Chinese Pear and Apple Export Data for the first half of 2017Customs data for the first half of 2017 indicates Chinese fresh apple imports and exports experienced year-on-year growth. Furthermore, fresh pear import volume has decreased and pear export volume has risen. August 21, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Factors Driving South African Grapefruit Export Growth in AsiaSouth Africa has witnessed its grapefruit exports rise from 9.5 million cartons in 2006 to an estimated 14.8 million cartons for 2017. In an interview with Produce Report, Mr. Justin Chadwick, CEO of the Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa, gave his insight as to the main reasons behind this success and discussed his views on the Chinese market. August 20, 2017
Jing Zang
Turkish Cherries Debut in China, Exporters Look Forward to 2018The first shipment of Turkish cherries cleared customs in Guangzhou and debuted at Jiangnan Market. Turkish exporters, however, express regret about this year’s harvest and sales volume. August 17, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Fruitkii Brings Canada’s “World Sapphire” Blueberries to ChinaOn August 4, during the second China Agricultural Exhibition (A20) at Baimahu International Conference Center in Hangzhou, Chinese importer Jindi Jiuzhou International Trade Ltd. and its well-known brand Fruitkii revealed their latest product, the  Canadian “World Sapphire”. August 16, 2017
B2B Fresh Jiangnan App Launched to Optimize Fresh Produce Supply ChainGuangzhou Fresh Jiangnan Technology Co., backed by Guangzhou Jiangnan Fruit & Vegetable Wholesale Market, announces the launch of its new app August 14, 2017
Thailand Enjoys the Lion's Share of China's Mangosteen MarketIn recent years, almost over 90% China’s imported mangosteens come from Thailand. Produce Report interviewed Thai government officials and representatives from China’s fruit industry to learn the secrets behind the success of Thai mangosteens. August 12, 2017
Jing Zang
First Charter Flight of 80 Tons of US Cherries Arrives in HefeiWith more air shipment of the imported fruits, Hefei would become the high-end fruit distribution center in central China. August 11, 2017
Mabel Debut: Australian "Chocolate" and Fresh Day gain exclusive debut rights to 2000 Australian “chocolate” oranges. August 07, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
Are Ready-to-Eat Avocados an Inevitable Trend in China? Ready-to-eat avocados are becoming more prevalent in the Chinese Market - a phenomenon that was foreseen by the General Manager of Mr. Avocado. However, serious challenges and barriers to entry still plague the switch to pre-ripened avocado sales. August 07, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
China Actively Negotiates Indian Embargo on Apples and PearsSecretary General of China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Produce (CCCFNA), shares his analysis and predictions on the Indian ban on Chinese apple and pear imports. August 03, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian


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