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408 Articles
FPFC launches new programme at CHINA FRUIT LOGISTICA ​Taking place on the show-floor at CHINA FRUIT LOGISTICA, FRESH PRODUCE FORUM CHINA brings visitors a powerful mix of high-level discussions, practical workshops and live interviews  January 21, 2018
Chile picked for inaugural Global Cherry SummitChile will host the inaugural Global Cherry Summit, which is set to take place on April 25 at the Monticello Hotel, nestled in the picturesque coastal mountains of San Francisco de Mostazal outside the capital Santiago. January 17, 2018
Get set for growth at Asia’s fresh produce hubAs the new year dawns, it’s time to capitalise on new opportunities in Asia by booking a stand at ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA 2018. January 17, 2018
FRUIT LOGISTICA with Answers to Future QuestionsProfessional supporting programme for all levels of the value chain ·                   Fruitnet World of Fresh Ideas and Frutic Symposium on 6 February 2018 ·                   Fresh Produce Forum, Future Lab, Logistics Hub and Tech Stage on three trade fair days ·                   Simultaneous interpretation into five languages January 15, 2018
AcquaCampus to have its debut at Macfrut 2018All the novelties on irrigation in a dynamic 700-square metre demonstration field, with a dedicated exhibition area and convention January 11, 2018
In the "Spotlight": Premieres and innovations at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2018The leading trade fair for the fresh produce industry presents world, European and trade fair premieres January 07, 2018
Mr. Avocado Starts Reaping the Fruit of its Labour in ChinaMerely eight months after its founding, Mr. Avocado has witnessed its average transaction volume rocket to 45,000 fruit per day. Now, the brand has identified channel coverage as its next priority. December 27, 2017
Jing Zang
FRUTIC Symposium at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2018 focuses on water efficiencyThe international FRUTIC Symposium on 6 February 2018 focuses on the efficient use of water across the fresh produce value chain – from cultivation to the point of sale. Featuring approximately 40 scientific presentations, the international symposium offers an ideal platform for sharing information between expert scientists and the fresh produce sector. FRUTIC will be held once again in conjunction with FRUIT LOGISTICA, the leading global trade fair for the fresh produce industry.  December 14, 2017
Here are the 2018 FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Awards nomineesThe most important fresh produce industry award will be presented in Berlin on 9 February 2018. More than 75,000 trade visitors from over 130 countries can cast their vote on 7 and 8 February 2018 for the innovation of the year. A shortlist of the nominees. December 13, 2017
Taste Australia: Made by Nature. Supported by ScienceProduce Report speaks to Michael Rogers of Hort Innovation to learn about the importance of research and development to the Australian horticulture industry December 05, 2017


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