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229 Articles
China and Hong Kong drivers of Australian Citrus ExportsTogether these two markets accounted for almost one third of all of Australia's citrus fruit exports, with Hong Kong importing 29,551 tonnes and China 26,758 tonnes November 26, 2015
Produce Report
Zespri MOU a First Step in Producing Kiwifruit in ChinaAgreement with Shaanxi Province is a first step in its exploration of setting up full-scale kiwifruit production bases in China to serve the Chinese market November 25, 2015
Inaugural Symposium Showcases Kiwifruit InnovationZespri’s inaugural Kiwifruit Innovation Symposium in Mount Maunganui today will showcase leading science underway across the industry October 28, 2015
Produce Report
Australian and China Sign Trade MoU for HorticultureHorticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) and the C September 13, 2015
Produce Report
Mixed Forecast for Australian Stone FruitThe USDA has released a report with projected production numb August 23, 2015
E. S. Jackson
2015 Australian Citrus Campaign Held in Shanghai and ChengduOn July 31, 2015, Citrus Australia and the Victorian State Go August 16, 2015
New Zealand Persimmons Get Market Access to ChinaOn 25 June 2015 in Beijing, New Zealand’s Ministry for Primar August 03, 2015
A Fruitful First Year in China for Rockit ApplesRockit Apples are the world’s first miniature bred apple, packaged into convenient tubes and marketed as a premium snack food and a healthy alternative to sugar-based confectionery. July 22, 2015

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China key market for table grapes breeder Sun World; MIDNIGHT BEAUTY (R) the "star performer"With table grapes remaining among the top four fruits being i July 15, 2015
Produce Report
Counterfeiting Concern Ongoing for Tasmanian ProducersFake goods are appearing in the market despite tasmian cherries being out of season. July 12, 2015
Produce Report


Produce Marketplace

  1. Elangeni Food Group · South Africa
  2. Universal Capital Gr · Ecuador
  1. Hainan ITG Logistics · A26,Haikou
  2. Joshua Lim · Malaysia
  3. City fresh fruit co. · Thailand

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