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158 Articles
Jiaxing Fruit Market Becomes a Trading Center for JackfruitDue to strong sales for jackfruit in recent years, Jiaxing Fruit Market has become China’s largest trading center for the fruit. January 15, 2019
Jing Zang
Hasfarm Holding's Pan-Asian Flower PowerSince the founding of Dalat Hasfarm with one hectare of wooden greenhouses growing roses in Dalat, Vietnam in 1994, Hasfarm Holdings through organic growth and a series of smart acquisitions today operates across Asia and Oceana, and is held up by many in the industry as the standard for a modern and well-managed floriculture operation in Asia. July 23, 2018
Dan Siekman
China Remains Biggest Market for Vietnam’s Surging Fresh Produce ExportsVietnam's turnover of vegetable and fruit exports achieves a historic benchmark. China, Vietnam's largest trading partner, establishes new quarantine and inspection requirements directed at cross-border trade ports with Vietnam. Moreover, Vietnam publishes a guide for exporting fruit to China April 28, 2018
First Quarter Data Reveals Mixed Results for Chinese Fruit ExportsData released by the National Chamber of Commerce show’s performance of Chinese fruit exports during the first quarter. May 25, 2017
Sevan Golnazarian
2016 Q1-Q3 Trade Summary for China’s Fruit Exports and ImportsCFNA figures show great increases in Chinese exports; some imports down November 09, 2016
China’s newest breed of potato produces impressive resultsQingshu 9, China’s newest variety of potato, is making a marked contribution to China’s increased production and export of potatoes October 24, 2016

Farmers harvest Qingshu 9 potato in China

Photo: PotatoPRO

China's Garlic Export Review: Ten Years of Steady GrowthAccording to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of t October 14, 2015
Produce Report
Rapid Growth and Expansion: China’s 2014 Imported Fruit MarketAccording to Produce Marketing Association's (PMA) consultant June 07, 2015
