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107 Articles
China Sets New Records for Durian Imports in 2021 Despite PandemicChina imported record-breaking quantities of durians from Thailand in 2021, although Thailand’s chambers of commerce are searching for other avenues to stabilize Thai produce exports during the pandemic. January 25, 2022
Philip K
China’s Pingxiang Railway Port Reopens to Thai FruitChina has reopened Pingxiang Railway Port in Guangxi province to Thai fruit exports in an effort to relieve severe congestion at Dongxing Port. January 07, 2022
Jing Zang
New Laos–China Rail Line Transports Fruit Within a DayA new rail line between Laos and China opened on Dec. 3, allowing fruit from Laos and Thailand to reach Kunming within one day. December 13, 2021
Emily F
More Land Ports Opened To Serve Sino-Thai Fruit TradeThe number of land ports permitted to deal with the fruit trade between China and Thailand has increased to 16. November 11, 2021
Jing Zang
Thai Durian Packaging Once Again Tests Positive for SARS-CoV-2The packaging of a batch of imported Thai durians recently tested positive for the novel coronavirus, affecting the Chinese provinces of Shanxi and Henan. October 12, 2021
Emily F
Thai Mangosteen Prices Plummet in China This SummerThai mangosteen prices on the Chinese market have dropped by as much as 50% in recent months. September 01, 2021
Jing Zang
China To Boost COVID Safety Measures for Thai Longans and DuriansChina is further strengthening its COVID-19 safety measures after a routine RNA test on imported Thai durian packaging came back positive. August 22, 2021
Emily F
Breaking News: China Bans Thai Longan ImportsChina has implemented an indefinite ban on longan imports from Thailand since Aug. 13 over contamination with mealybugs. August 18, 2021
Jing Zang
Dalian Cherries Hit ASEAN Markets Within 60 Hours of HarvestProduce Report recently interviewed Dalian Tianli Agricultural Development Company, a pioneer in exporting premium Dalian-grown cherries to Southeast Asian countries. May 07, 2021
Jing Zang
Thailand Implements Stricter Management Measures for Fruit ExportsThai authorities have tightened their management of the certificates of origin for the country’s fruit exports, with closer attention now being paid to twelve key types of fruit. April 18, 2021
Jing Zang
