JD.com and Shanghai Supafresh Link Up for Assorted Avocados [1]
Submitted by Sevan Golnazarian [2] on

On July 26, e-commerce platform JD.com debuted the sale of Shanghai Supafresh’s new “special” avocados. Now, ripeness indicators are being printed onto avocado packaging, which helps consumers accurately identify fruits ready for immediate consumption. This is especially useful as Shanghai Supafresh avocados are sold in assortments of varied ripeness.
After being transported to cold storage, Shanghai Supafresh specialists carefully sort avocados into three groups of ripeness—30%, 60%, and 90% ripeness respectively. Likewise, below grade avocados are scrapped without exception.
This method hopes to reduce waste caused by untimely maturation while also making the selection process easier for consumers. Currently, consumers in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou can preorder these “special” avocados via JD.com.
Management of avocado ripeness stands on the heels of JD.com’s efforts to promote the standardization of fresh produce retail. Providing packages of avocados with assorted levels of ripeness is a first for JD.com. And, being China’s first online fresh produce platform, JD.com strives to improve the consumer experience of its users. Having previously instituted a 24-hour service line to provide speedy compensation and services, JD.com stays true to its word.